This site is still taking shape. Please bear with me as I add content and links to it!

Please read and add your comments to my Weblog
Click on the name in the list on the left or directly on the signature on the book!

After reading this article I contacted Susan Hibbert in England and arranged to visit her while on a business trip there. Unfortunately she mixed up the dates and was not at home. Her neighbors told me that was not uncommon for her. I spoke with her a few times on the phone and sent her copies of this picture book, but never had the chance to get any interesting stories from her.

Click here for Rutger's Oral History Archives with an Interview with Ike's Staff Photographer, Albert Meserlin

Süddeutsche Zeitung ran an interview with me about this brochure! article

Download the translation here!


Gordon L Claus

Walter Bedell Smith

Name 2 - unknown

Name 3 - unknown

R B Hickmann

Dwight D Eisenhower

Name 6 - unknown

Name 7 - unknown

M E O'Brien

Name 9 - unknown

Name 10 - unknown

Name 11 - unknown

J C Daniels

Gordon A Salle

Name 14 - unknown

Charles H Frazier

Mario Du Capite

John Van Kirk

Name 18 - unknown

Earl R Parker

Joe R Bridgeford

Fred J Robison

Carrol L. Heidt

Name 23 - unknown

Angelo M. Furia

Name 25 - unknown

Joseph R. Gallagher

Wallace D. Moore

Bill Konrad

Jos. Burke

Lyle W. Gray

Name 0 Name 1 Name 2 Name 3 Name 4 Name 5 Name 6 Name 7 Name 8 Name 9 Name 10 Name 11 Name 12
Name 13 Name 14 Name 15 Name 16 Name 17 Name 18 Name 19 Name 20 Name 21 Name 22 Name 23 Name 24 Name 25 Name 26 Name 27 Name 28 Name 29 Name 30